Video lesson
Hi everyone! Welcome to English Watch and Learn. Today we’re going to learn English using a scene from the movie The Gorge. This movie is full of action, suspense, and emotional moments, and it’s a great way to practice your listening skills and learn new vocabulary.
Before we dive into the scene, let’s talk about the title of the movie: The Gorge. The word ‘gorge’ means a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often with a river running through it. It’s a dramatic and beautiful natural feature, and in this movie, the gorge is a mysterious and dangerous place.
In this lesson, we’ll focus on a conversation between Levi and Drasa to explain some key vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. By the end of the video, you’ll not only understand the scene better, but you’ll also learn some useful English phrases you can use in everyday conversations. Let’s get started!"
Learn words and phrases
Levi says, ‘The view is much better over here.’ What does he mean by this? Well, he’s not just talking about the physical view of the gorge. He’s saying that being with Drasa makes the situation better. It’s a playful way to compliment someone.
Drasa says, ‘How you’re gonna get in my pants?’ This is a very informal and humorous way to say someone is trying to flirt or seduce another person. It’s a bit cheeky, so be careful when using this phrase — it’s only for very casual situations!
The word ‘Hollow Men’ is a metaphor. It comes from a famous poem by T.S. Eliot, and it refers to people who are empty or lack humanity. In this movie, the ‘Hollow Men’ are mysterious and dangerous creatures.
whine means to complain in a high, annoying voice, like a child who is upset or being dramatic. It often sounds like the person is making a big deal out of something small.
sadness means the feeling of being unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.
madness means stupid or dangerous behaviour.
Drasa responds with a very philosophical statement: ‘too much truth puts sadness in your heart and madness in your mind.’ This means that knowing big secrets or discovering the truth can cause emotional pain and even make you feel like you’re going crazy.
The phrase ‘pulled the trigger’ literally means to fire a gun, but it’s also used metaphorically to describe making a difficult or life-changing decision. In this scene, Levi is using it both ways: he’s talking about the first time he fired a gun, but he’s also referring to the emotional weight of making such a hard choice.
Levi uses the word ‘klicks’, which is military slang for kilometers. For example, if someone says, ‘We’re 5 klicks away,’ they mean 5 kilometers away.
Levi says, ‘I’ve had the same recurring nightmare about it ever since.’ Let’s look at some interesting words and phrases here. The word ‘recurring’ means something that happens repeatedly or regularly. A ‘nightmare’ is a bad dream, but it can also refer to a very unpleasant experience; ‘since’ means from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now; so ‘ever since’ means continuously since that time.
hunting means chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit.
homeschooling means the teaching of children at home, usually by parents.
Levi mentions ‘the art of the perfect shot.’ A ‘perfect shot’ is when you hit your target exactly where you want it, like a bullseye in archery or a goal in soccer. It’s all about skill, focus, and precision. Levi isn’t just talking about shooting - he’s saying he loves the challenge and the thrill of getting it just right. It’s like a game of skill, and he’s totally into it!
Levi says, ‘I can’t compartmentalize the way I used to.’ The word ‘compartmentalize’ means to separate something into sections or categories. In this case, Levi is talking about how he used to separate his emotions and thoughts, but now he can’t do that anymore.
Levi says, ‘You bury enough secrets, the graveyard runs out of room.’ This is a metaphor. ‘Burying secrets’ means hiding them, and the ‘graveyard’ represents the emotional difficulties of keeping too many secrets. Levi is saying that if you hide too many secrets, it becomes too difficult.
That’s it for today’s lesson! Hope you enjoyed it. If you want more lessons like this, remember how much I love coffee. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. Thanks for watching. and I’ll see you the next video!